Kolotibablo Review 2025 | How to solve captcha using Kotlotibablo app

Kolotibablo is one of the best captcha entry sites in the world running since 2010. Previously, Kolotibablo used to be a mystery with less information about their policies, but now Kolotibablo is very open and offers captcha entry jobs with good rates to people around the globe.

Is Kolotibablo fake? Definitely not! Kolotibablo looks like a genuine captcha typing site to work both using app and webpage. Do they pay through PayPal? Kolotibablo offers several payment options that help to withdraw money instantly. Here it is, the Kolotibablo review to learn how to make the most out of the site for people who are looking for work from home typing job.

If you’re a mobile phone user, checkoutย Mobile captcha typing jobs.

Kolotibablo review

KolotiBablo Review

Eligibility Requirements to Work in Kolotibablo:

  • You should have basic English knowledge. You should know 26 alphabets, both capital and small letters.
  • You should be able to type 25WPM, which is pretty easy for everyone.
  • You should have a PC with a faster internet connection.
  • It’s not recommended to work using the mobile phone. However, you can check out the best mobile apps to earn money.
  • You can earn more only if you can able to type without seeing the keyboard.

Kolotibablo App Download:

  • The Kolotibablo lets its users work on both the web version and the Kolotibablo app version. The web versions enable the feature to work on the website directly on the browser without downloading the Kolotibablo app.
  • If youโ€™re feeling uncomfortable and you want to unlock additional features, we suggest downloading their free Kolotibablo software app.
  • The app users will have the foremost priority in taking captcha and 20% higher bidding rate.
  • The Kolotibablo app is currently made available for the Microsoft Windows users.

Kolotibablo app download

  • You can download the official app from Kolotibablo, once you become a member. Once the download is complete, you can work right away using the app.
  • For the best experience, use the latest version of Windows and high-speed internet.
  • Solve Google reCAPTCHA to earn more money. Do not let the negative value reCAPTCHA points, since it will lead to ban using their software.
  • You are now set to make money on Kolotibablo by solving captcha.

How to Solve Captchas on Kolotibablo:

  • Here are the instructions to earn money on Kolotibable by solving captcha.

Kolotibablo solving captcha on app

  • It’s really easy to work on the Kolotibablo with basic typing skills. You may see the working board of Kolotibablo above.
  • The basic work involves in typing the letter(s) or number(s) given on the image in the text box.
  • Once you type, you must hit the enter button to load the next captcha.
  • There is no limit in the number of captcha you can solve as long as you don’t make major errors.
  • The speed monitor will help you do the job as fast as you can.
  • When tested, the speed monitor is pretty slow. So the beginners can take an ample amount of time to solve the captcha without worrying about the kick out.
  • If you can’t match up that lower speed requirement, you’re unfit to do this data entry work because you may not earn a decent amount with such a low typing speed.
  • Working on Kolotibablo Software and Web version are pretty the same, but we recommend using the app to work for Kolotibablo.

Make use of discount booster and customization features to increase the priority:

  • Since thousands of workers work in Kolotibablo at the same time, the captcha gets scarce as the demand decreases. Because of this problem, the workers tire of waiting for captcha for a long time.
  • Kolotibablo has introduced a new feature which is effective in solving this problem but will affect the payouts, i.e. the Discount Booster.

Kolotibablo working board and Discount booster

  • The image given above will give you an idea of how the discount booster works. Actually, you can set discounts from 0% (default) to 50% discount else you can even set a custom discount.
  • Kolotibablo aim of the discount booster is to reduce the payout and increase their productivity. So, they might naturally or artificially trigger the workers to activate the captcha discount boost in order to pay them less.
  • However, the Workers get full control over the discount booster. It is not recommended to use the discount booster if you don’t want the lower your payouts.

Kolotibablo web captcha typing customization

  • Also, Kolotibablo allows you to customize the working board based on your taste, including the color, options, etc. Make use of the customization features to customize as per your wishes.

Follow the simple instructions to solve captchas in Kolotibablo:

  • You can use the Kolotibablo app or web app to work with Kolotibablo. Directly login and start your work.
  • Before you start your work, you should know some rules about captcha entry. In case you cannot follow these rules, they will ban your account.
Rules and regulations to work with Kolotibablo
  • These are some basic rules you should follow. Leave a gap between words, solve the problem and don’t type as it is, look out for case sensitive words, etc.
Rules - Kolotibablo
  • One of the important rules in Kolotibablo is you should press alt+q if you find Russian letters, as shown in the figure.
Working panel | Kolotibablo
  • Once you log into your account, it will take you to the working page of the website, as shown above.
  • You’ve to solve the image with words, i.e., type the words in the box within the allotted time and press enter. A new image will load immediately after you press enter. Continue working with more images to earn more.
  • You can see a sequence of small green boxes. This is the timer and you should solve before it becomes empty. If you don’t solve in time, you’ll be kicked out. Frequent kick out will cause a permanent ban on your account.
  • Current pay rate will be updated for every hour as you can see it above the image (0.32/1000).
You might like this online jobs without investment.

Kolotibablo Bidding rates:

Kolotibablo captcha bidding rates
  • The rate for solving 1000 captcha can raise up to $3 as it does on 2Captcha. The minimum rate for solving 1000 captchas is $1.336.
  • You can see the image and the graph of payment bid per hour. According to the server time, 5 am to 1 pm the bid will be very low and it reaches the peak from 8 pm to 8 am the server time. The vertical red line shows the current server time.

You might readย Megatypers Review.

Install Kolotibablo Plugin to unlock reCAPTCHA:

  • In the case, if you’re not going to download the Kolotibablo app and install it, they recommend using their web interface. But the problem is Google reCAPTCHA Kolotibablo is not possible without the installation of their plugin.

Kolotibablo plugin installation

  • The Plugin is available for both Microsoft Windows and Linux version. Just download and install the plugin in the recommended browsers to get access to the high paying Google reCAPTCHA on Kolotibablo.
  • Also, they recommend installing the Kolotibablo certificate in your PC, in which you choose to work.

Related articleย EasyHits4U review.

Kolotibablo factory of micro jobs:

  • Apart from captcha entry, Kolotibablo also provides micro jobs to earn money from home. Make use of the factory to complete simple tasks.

Kolotibablo job factory

  • Kolotibablo is the collection of simple jobs where you can earn money by completing tasks, social media jobs, moderating captchas, etc.

Kolotibablo micro jobs

  • To access the available tasks, go to the factories in your account and find the tasks listed out there. Take the job and complete the initial assessment to proceed.
  • Test a variety of micro jobs only available for your account to earn money.

Matching captcha on Kolotibablo

  • Here is an example of the microtask. This is the fun captcha where the user has to match the pattern correctly in order to complete the task. Other types of tasks include the image to text conversion, twitter follower, tweeting, etc.
  • Check your account for micro jobs available. The availability might vary based on demographics exactly like paid surveys.

Kolotibablo Payment methods:

  • Kolotibablo PayPal & Payza was previously available, but because of the new terms, the Kolatibablo had to change to other payment options.

Kolotibablo payment

  • You can withdraw your earnings through any one of these payment options, including Yandex.Money, Bitcoins, AdvCash, Litecoins or Ethereum.
  • The minimum payout is just $0.5. So you need a balance of less than a dollar to receive Kolatibablo Payments.

Is Kolotibablo Secure?

  • Kolotibablo is definitely secure, and it’s hard to access your account or change the account credentials. Every time when a change has to be made, Kolotibablo will ask for the one time secure code to complete the process.

Kolotibablo secure code

  • So, be happy that your account and credentials are fully protected by Kolotibablo.
Read this to compare: Megatypers vs Kolotibablo vs 2Captcha.

Things to remember about Kolotibablo:

  • Previously, it was mentioned that your work should have 85% accuracy, i.e., you should 85 captcha correctly out of 100 if not, your account will be banned. Now, the instruction to workers is to not exceed three mistakes.
  • Don’t work in captcha entry sites if you’ve low internet speed. Your time limit to solve the captcha will finish within the image completely loading.
  • In order to earn a good amount, you should have a considerable typing speed; say 40 WPM.
  • If your country has no support for these payment processors, try to avoid Kolotibablo and join the site that pays you through Paypal, western money transfer, like partners.
  • If you’re not good at typing, join theย PTC job or e-mail reading job.
  • Earn a 10% referral commission by referring to your friends and colleagues.

Registration Kolotibablo – Sign up:

Kolotibablo Register signup

  • Kolotibablo is not fake, it’s a genuine captcha entry site without a scam.
  • Click here to join Kolotiablo.
  • Enter your e-mail ID and choose a username(login) of your desire. Enter those in the login box.
  • Solve the captcha and click the register.
  • Go to your e-mail inbox and get your password.
Password will be sent to your e-mail ID Kolotibablo
  • Use the user ID and password to log in to your account in the future.
  • To download the Kolotibablo software for free, click the download button given below.

8 thoughts on “Kolotibablo Review 2025 | How to solve captcha using Kotlotibablo app”

  1. vasanthi

    i am vasanthi from madurai .I interest to work so how i will contact u sir

    1. Tamil Arasan

      Follow the instructions given above to start work

  2. Krishna Kumari

    Hi, I started to work in Kolotibablo. But i’m confused how to withdraw money. Can you help me in this regard.

      1. Krishna Kumari

        Thank you very much

  3. Krishna Kumari

    Thank you very much

  4. Supraja. H. V

    I’m a student. I want to make a money in free time.

  5. Dev

    How to contact the koloitibablo persons

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